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Moderating Real-Time Text Chats

Posted on April 28, 2022 by linda
Moderating Real-Time Text Chats

This course provides hands-on experiences in the art of moderating text-based real-time (synchronous) focus groups. Experience real-time chats from three perspectives: participant, observer, and moderator. Moderate twice: first with fellow trainees as practice participants (practice), and second with consumers recruited just for you (at least 15 minutes each time) Time Commitment: 4-6 hours each day, for two days. Note: In addition to the scheduled activities noted in the roadmap, trainees will get individual coaching prior to each moderating experience, and trainees will need to do prep work for each moderating experience.


RIVA moderating class (201, 202, 204, 207, or 303), or approval from CEO.

How you’ll be assessed:

Students are expected to attend and participate in all modules, including lectures, practice sessions with students, practice sessions with recruited respondents, and open forums. Trainer(s) use in-depth feedback forms to provide students with individualized, targeted written and oral feedback throughout the class. At the end of class, students will have the opportunity to practice all they have learned in recruited mock sessions.