Happy New Year!
This year at RIVA, we’re looking forward to the myriad of learning opportunities we are providing to our students.
Of course, RIVA is still offering all the classes you’ve come to expect and love throughout 2024!
In 2023, RIVA partnered with QRCA to offer a series of webinars and we’re bringing that into 2024. You can register for these webinars on QRCA’s website.
Creating Questions that Excite Respondents to Give You More
January 12 at 11am
This webinar will cover:
- How to learn more about drivers and motivations of customers
- How to create questions to capture the language of consumers
- How to tell if you’re getting the voice of the consumer
- Creating a structure to your guide
Probing: Getting to the “Aha”
March 8th at 11am
This webinar will cover:
- The purpose of follow-up questions
- Interest in respondents’ answers v. confirming a pre-conceived hypothesis
- Other traps to avoid when probing
- “Probing till you puke”
- What’s so bad about “why?”
Qualology Webinar: Jo Ann Hairston Presentation
Save the date on your calendars: 2/22
Jo Ann will be presenting “Overview of In-Person Qual Methods” for the Qualology blog series with QRCA. You can register on their website.
Facebook Live Events
We’ll be continuing our #AskaRIVATrainer Facebook Live series where students have the opportunity to submit questions about industry topics and have them answered in real time by our RIVA Trainers. The dates are listed below:
January 12 – User Research/Usability Testing with Kay Corry Aubrey
March 15
May 17
August 16
October 25
Topics for the rest of the events will be released as the dates get closer. All of our Facebook live events take place on our Facebook page and are held at 1pm ET.
We’re excited to announce that we will be returning to posting every other Friday!
You will see a variety of topics from all of our RIVA staff to help you on your moderating/project managing/office life journeys! Check back with us routinely or follow us on social media so you can see when we post.
TikTok & Instagram
You can now find RIVA on TikTok & Instagram!
We’ll be sharing some short tips & tricks along with information about upcoming classes and exciting announcements. Be sure to connect with us!
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rivamrxntraining
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rivamktntraining/