Happy Fall Everyone!
“Time is change, transformation, evolution.” ~ I. L. Peretz

Fall, or Autumn, is often recognized as the season of change. Leaves morph colors; many companies are closing out their fiscal year and starting their next; budgets are finalized; projects are being placed on the
calendar; and, for RIVA, classes and research projects are getting put on the 2023 calendar.
In this episode of evolution, RIVA has several new announcements to make as we get ready to head into 2023.
Highlights Outside the Classroom
UGA Guest Speaker – In the summer, Amber Tedesco, RIVA’s CEO, was guest speaker for the UGA Terry College of Business Marketing class. The class will work on all the elements that go into conducting qualitative research. Currently, they are working on writing their moderator guides and setting up their sessions. Best of luck to them!
Sneak Peak of New Website
As we announced earlier this year, RIVA has been working on updating our website to make it more user-friendly and modern. Linda Mui has been working tirelessly with our new designers to ensure our vision comes to fruition. We’re launching the website in late 2022, early 2023, but until then, you can see a sneak peek here.

RIVA Welcomes New Team Member!
In September, the RIVA Team welcomed a new intern to our company: Nicholas Tedesco. He’s a high school senior working to understand qualitative research and what it takes to ask good questions and be a better listener.

Upcoming Events on Our Radar

In 2022, RIVA has teamed up with QRCA to work together to bring a series of RIVA webinars to enhance the skills of qualitative professionals led by Jo Ann Hairston.
October 21, 2022 at 11am ET – Mind Your Rs, Ps, and Qs Webinar 1: Secrets to Writing Effective Moderator Guides
This 60-minute webinar will cover ways to improve moderator guides. For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit QRCA’s website: https://www.qrca.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1670314&group=
December 9, 2022 at 11am ET – Mind Your Rs, Ps, and Qs Webinar 2: Getting Below Top-of-Mind
This 60-minute webinar will review the ways to get better, deeper responses from respondents. For more information and to register for the webinar, please visit QRCA’s website:
More dates for 2023 dates will come in our first newsletter of 2023!
Announcing: RIVA 601V: Guide Development Workshop

You requested; we’ve delivered!
RIVA’s newest addition allows students the opportunity to get individualized, targeted feedback in the guide development process. This three-day course goes into further depth on writing moderator guides for QREs and workshop that QRE guide.Prerequisite: must have taken a RIVA moderating course.
If you are interested in being the first to have an opportunity to register for the course [releasing in 2023], email Brittany Mohammed at [email protected] to be placed on our Waitlist by November 1st. We will send all on this list an invitation to register for the course before opening up to public registration.
RIVA Courses in 2023
We know our students are starting to plan their career development for 2023 and we hope you include a RIVA course on your to-do list! We can’t wait to have you at RIVA – both virtual and in-person courses will be available in 2023.
RIVA 199 Virtual: Project Management & Screener Development
February 27
RIVA 201: Fundamentals of Moderating
In-Person – Rockville, MD Virtual
January 9-12 – waitlist only January 23-26
March 20-23 February 6-9
April 24-27 March 6-9
RIVA 207 Virtual: Fundamentals of IDI Moderating
February 13-16
RIVA 221 Virtual: Principles of UX/Usability Testing Research
March 13-14
RIVA 241: Qualitative Analysis & Reporting
March 27-30
RIVA 303 Virtual: Advanced Moderating
February 27-March 2
RIVA’s Role in Research
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy has been an issue for some segments of the population, who resist getting the shot for a variety of reasons. Leaders at the federal, state, and local level have looked for ways to build knowledge and correct misinformation about the vaccine in order to boost acceptance.
In 2021, RIVA conducted qualitative research for HelpAge USA to explore how Black families can talk more productively about the COVID-19 vaccine. Led by Master Moderator Jo Ann Hairston, focus groups revealed the power of grandparents in facilitating intergenerational conversations — and sparked the idea of a movement of grandparents united in encouraging vaccination.
From that research, DC Grandparents Against COVID-19 was born and hundreds have joined. Check out what motivated several members to get involved and what the movement has meant to them: https://bit.ly/3P5RADV
Brittany Mohammed
Associate Project Coordinator
RIVA Market Research & Training Institute
1201 Seven Locks Rd, Ste 360
Rockville, MD 20854
Phone: (301) 770-6456
Fax: (301) 770-5879
Follow us on Facebook: @rivamarketresearchandtraining
Follow us on Twitter: @RIVAINC
Celebrating 40 years!
“We do what we teach and we teach what we do.”
RIVA Training Institute is now IACET Accredited
Find out more about Naomi’s new book at: